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Tahun Baru 2011 @ Bali

Tahun Baru Di Bali di warnai beberapa dentuman petasan dan tiupan terompet. selamat hari baru Bali, selamat hari yang baru untuk Indonesiaku.  



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            The progress of the technology in this century makes everyone to be oriented to all kind of things which are completely fast, starting from fast food, the banking system, until the medicines which have told to be able to cure all the complaint or the diseases by just enough to take it once. In other phenomena, that condition can give some bad effects or even to improve the pattern of the disease to be much more complex which are caused by the bad habits of life.
            By looking at all the kinds of things that happen, the financial of the society shows graphic that’s getting lower and lower. At last, the capability for the society to get some good health care is getting less, and it’s even getting worst with the fact of the increasing price of medicines and the health care. In this case, traditional treatment should be provide and spread wildly as the effective way of treatment, efficient, safe, and reachable in price. In the Indonesian society, the benefit of herbs (traditional medicine) in the medical system already become a habit and inclined to get higher.
            Indonesia is rich with some herbals from Sabang until Merauke, starting from plant of fruits, flowers, until plant of rhizomes which all of these times always being use as cooking spices. Each of all those plants has its own special quality for health, it just needs to be supported by the will and the seriousness to take the optimum benefit.
             Ginger is an excellent remedy for digestive problems, such as flatulence, nausea, indigestion, intestinal infections and certain types of food poisoning.
The combination of sweat and circulatory stimulation allows ginger to move blood to the periphery. This makes it a good remedy for chilblains, high blood pressure and fever. Ginger inhibits platelet aggregation, therefore, should be the ideal condiment for people predisposed to clotting which may lead to either heart-attack or stroke (Srivastava, K.C. et al. 1964).
            By so many profits that ginger can give until it’s to be necessary to get more of the profits that it has, not just as a cooking spice, but also the special quality that it’s contains.


1.1  The heritage of ginger (Zingiber officinale rocs.)
Ginger, the underground stem, or rhizome, of the plant Zingiber officinale has been used as a medicine in Asian, Indian, and Arabic herbal traditions since ancient times. In China, for example, ginger has been used to aid digestion and treat stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea for more than 2,000 years. Since ancient times, ginger has also been used to help treat arthritis, colic, diarrhea, and heart conditions.
In addition to these medicinal uses, ginger continues to be valued around the world as an important cooking spice and is believed to help the common cold, flu-like symptoms, headaches, and even painful menstrual periods. Native to Asia where its use as a culinary spice spans at least 4,400 years, ginger grows in fertile, moist, tropical soil.
Today, ginger root is widely used as a digestive aid for mild stomach upset and is commonly recommended by professional herbalists to help prevent or treat nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, pregnancy, and, sometimes, chemotherapy for cancer (although the latter has not been studied).
Ginger, which is from South East Asia, has already well known since a long time ago. The shape is just like some other rhizomes plants. This species of Zingiberaceae already being use by the Chinese people since many years ago. The meaning of Zingiberaceae is “horn”, because the shape of the ginger is same as the shape of horn or rhinoceros horn.
In Greek, the records of the benefit of ginger already exist since the first year of masehi which was written by a traditional healer named Dioscorides. Actually, ginger had been import from Arabic countries since many centuries before that, and in the middle of the century the European countries already can use ginger as a cooking spice or even as a tonic which made of medicinal herbs and medicines. The introduce of ginger for some European countries already started since the journey of Marco Polo to China in the 14th of century.
How so important and valuable spices since before, more over in the middle of the century the price of a half kilogram ginger same as the price of one goat. The society in that time using the spices and the rhizomes to make the food tastier, and included to make the food that taste not good to become much tastier but also nutritious so that still can be serve.
There’s an experiment in London which can prove that one gram of ginger powder can prevent sickening and vomiting after the operation. Beside that, the result of one experiment in Denmark can prove that one gram of ginger powder which taken when someone get sea sick is more effective than taking placebo.
Zingiber come from Arabic “Zanzabil” which means ginger. In India, ginger is known as a universal medicine, because ginger has the special quality as anti-fungus, anti-bacteria, and anti-microbial. Beside that, ginger can calm the digestion system which already being use since more than two thousands years ago. In the western countries, ginger is more often to be use to heal queasy, transportation sickness, or even vertigo.
There are three varieties of ginger which are well known in our society and which contains the most volatile oil is red ginger or knob on ginger root. This kind of ginger contain 3.90 % volatile oil, elephant ginger contains 1.6 % volatile oil, and emprit ginger contains just a little of volatile oil, which are around 1.5 % until about 3.5 %.
Indonesia is very rich with flora resources. In Indonesia, there are about 30.000 species of plants, 940 species from that is in the category of medical plants, and 140 species from that is as spices plants. From some plants from the species of spices and medical plants, some of them already being use as traditional medicine by some companies or tonic made of medicinal herbs factories. In Indonesian society, using traditional medicines in the medicals system already become a culture and leaning always increasing.
In this time, the interest of the society of spices plants and medicines is getting higher, for example people use them as the basic materials in food industrials, beverages industrials, and even for cosmetics.
To cultivate and to develop the use of the harvest of the spices plants and medicines plants by using the fastest technology will increase the income for the farmers, and to give the opportunity for the society to be employed, and to support the exertion for the health of the society.
This spices and medicals plants not being potential in the domestic only, but to be reserve by the international consumers as well. These kinds of plants also being potential to be as a commodity of the exported materials beside oil and natural gas in the form of fresh ginger, dry ginger, volatile oil, and even oleoresin. Ginger is one kind of spices and medical plants which is being potential to be develop by the commercial way and the insight of the agribusiness.
Besides being consumes as a cooking spices, ginger also in this country is to be use as a traditional medicines, beverages, and candies. From years to years, the number of the request for ginger is getting higher, which is caused by the increasing interest of the people and the industries where are going to make some new products by using gingers as the main substances.
We can manage this case by some good prospects by develop the agribusiness of gingers. The biggest interested countries for gingers in these years are Japan, USA, Singapore, West Germany, Canada, Morocco, France, Hong Kong, Netherlands, and Sweden.
And the countries which are become the suppliers for the gingers are Indonesia, Thailand, China, Brazil, and India. In order to be able to be competed in the international market, so the quality of the Indonesian gingers and the continuity of supplies are become the prime factors that should get special attention from the governments and from the society.
Young ginger roots are juicy and fleshy with a very mild taste. They are often pickled in vinegar or sherry as a snack or just cooked as an ingredient in many dishes. They can also be stewed in boiling water to make ginger tea, to which honey is often added as a sweetener. Mature ginger roots are fibrous and nearly dry. The juice from old ginger roots is extremely potent and is often used as a spice in Chinese cuisine to flavor dishs such as in seafood and mutton .
Ginger is also candied, is used as a flavoring for candy, cookies, crackers and cake, and is the main flavor in ginger ale, a sweet, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage, as well as the similar, but somewhat spicier beverage ginger beer. A ginger-flavored liqueur called Canton is produced in the Guangdong province of China; it is advertised to be based on a recipe created for the rulers of the Qing Dynasty and made from six different varieties of ginger. Green ginger wine is a ginger flavoured wine produced in the United Kingdom by Crabbie's and Stone's and traditionally sold in a green glass bottle. Ginger is also used as a spice added to hot coffee and tea.
1.2  Taxonomy and Morphology
The position of ginger in the taxonomy of plant is as below:
Kingdom         : Plantae
Division           : Magnoliophyta
Class                : Liliopsida
Order               : Zingiberales
Family             : Zingiberaceae
Genus              : Zingiber
Species            : Z. Officinale
Ginger is a knotted, thick, beige underground stem (rhizome). The stem extends roughly 12 inches above ground with long, narrow, ribbed, green leaves, and white or yellowish-green flowers. With the length of around 15 cm until 23 cm, the width is approximately 2.5 cm, and its being arranges in order two rows in alternately.
      Ginger plant with flowers. The way of ginger lives is by clumping, it produce rhizomes and flowers as well. The flower is just like Malay which comes out from the ground. The shape of it is like stick or circle just like egg, and it’s long until approximately 25 cm. The size of the rhizomes is depend on how thrive the soil is. The shape of the crown is like tube, and the edge is a little bit narrow, sharp, and the color is yellow with a bit of greenish. The edge of the crown is dark violet, with white yellowish kind of spots. The pollens color is violet and has two pistil stem.
Ginger has a variety kind of shape, starting from a little bit thin until a little big (long and circle), with the color of white yellowish until yellow with a little bit reddish. Volatile oil is one substance that’s easy to evaporate and give a special kind of smell for ginger. Volatile oil and Oleoresin are in all the tissues of rhizomes, but the largest amount of them is in the epidermis tissue. Because of that, for handling the ginger, especially for the peeling, has got to be done carefully, until the skin can be peel as thin as it could.

1.3  The chemistries which are content by ginger, the chemistry characteristic and the effect of Pharmacology
  • There are so many kinds of chemistries that are content by ginger, as like:
Acetates, bisabolene, caprilate, d-camphene, d-borneol, farnisol, kurkumin, Khavikol, linalool, metal heptenone, n-nonylaldehide, sineol, zingeron, zingiberene, vit. A, B, dan C, organic acid, starch powder, fiber, sitral, allicin, alliin, diallydisulfida, resin, glucominol, geraniol, shogaol, albizzin, zengediasetat, and metilzingediol. 
The pungency of ginger is due to GINGEROL which is the alcohol group of the oleoresin (when resins are associated with volatile oils, they are called OLEORESINS). Ginger owes its aroma to about 1 to 3% of volatile oils, which are bisabolene, zingiberene and zingiberol


Ginger contains several chemical components as outlined by Michael Murray, N.D. in The Healing Power of Herbs:
  • starch (50%)
  • protein (9%)
  • lipids (including glycerides, phosphatidic acid, lecithins, and fatty acids; 6-8%)
  • protease (2.26%)
  • volatile oils (including gingerol, shogoal, zingiberene, and zingiberol; 1-3%)
  • pungent principles
  • vitamins A and B3 (niacin)
The pungent principles (including the volatile oil gingerol) are the most medicinally potent because they inhibit prostaglandin and leukotriene formations (products in the body that influence blood flow and inflammation). They also give ginger its pungent aroma.

  • The characteristic of the chemistry and the effect of Pharmacology:
Warm, hot, harmless, has a special kind of smell, giving a good flavors for the serve, stimulant, to fluent the blood circulation, emetic the sweat (diaforetik), emetic the flatus (carminative), emetic the sputum (expectorant), antitusive, antiemitic, antiseptic, anti inflammatory, and to reduce the cholesterol.
Ginger can be use for many kinds of things, for example as one of the ingredient to make some traditional medicine (tonic which made of medicinal herbs), basic substance for food and beverage industrial, also as the source of Volatile oil and Oleoresin. Beside those, ginger also often is being use as cooking spices.
Ginger is said to stimulate gastric juices, and provide warming and soothing effects for colds and coughs.

1.4 The benefits of ginger
It is been already such a long time ginger being use as cooking spice. For example, ginger is being use in the process of cooking fish to remove the odor of the fish. The special aroma and taste is one of the reasons why the utilizing ginger for the cooking spice is becomes a habit.
It can be seen by the number of request of ginger for cooking spice which gets until 30.000 tons in a year (just for domestic’s market). The necessity of ginger occupy the first rank compared with the other rhizome, such as turmeric which also often being use as cooking spice.
Ginger products are made from fresh or dried ginger root, or from steam distillation of the oil in the root. The herb is available in extracts, tinctures, capsules, and oils. Fresh ginger root can also be purchased and prepared as a tea. Ginger is also a common cooking spice and can be found in a variety of foods and drinks including ginger bread, ginger snaps, ginger sticks, and ginger ale.
The second purpose is for traditional medicine. Ginger which contains gingerol can be use as anti-inflammation, the medicine for the pain in the joint and muscle which cause by rheumatic, tonic, also as a medicine for cough.
Generally, in the use of ginger for the traditional medicine, ginger should be dried before until become simplicia (one of the matter to make medicine which being dried). As the main substance of making traditional medicine, ginger occupies the second rank compare to the other simplicia. The number of request for ginger as traditional medicine is increasing because the numbers of home industrial for traditional medicines which are appear also increasing.
Motion Sickness
Several studies suggest that ginger may be more effective than placebo in reducing symptoms associated with motion sickness. In one trial of 80 novice sailors (prone to motion sickness), those who took powdered ginger experienced a significant reduction in vomiting and cold sweating compared to those who took placebo. Similar results were found in a study with healthy volunteers. While these results are promising, other studies suggest that ginger is not as effective as medications in reducing symptoms associated with motion sickness. In a small study of volunteers who were given ginger (fresh root and powder form), scopolamine (a medication commonly prescribed for motion sickness), or placebo, those receiving the medication experienced significantly fewer symptoms compared to those who received ginger. Given the safety of ginger, however, many people find it a welcome alternative to medications if it relieves their motion sickness.
Pregnancy Related Nausea and Vomiting
At least two studies have found that ginger is more effective than placebo in relieving nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy. In a small study including 30 pregnant women with severe vomiting, those who ingested 1 gram of ginger every day for four days reported more relief from vomiting than those who received placebo. In a larger study including 70 pregnant women with nausea and vomiting, those who received a similar dosage of ginger felt less nauseous and experienced fewer vomiting episodes than those who received placebo. (Note: fresh ginger root is safe to use during pregnancy, but dried ginger root is not).
Nausea and vomiting following surgery
Research has produced mixed results regarding the use of ginger in the treatment of nausea and vomiting following surgery. In two studies, 1 gram of ginger root before surgery reduced nausea as effectively as a leading medication. In one of these two studies, women who received ginger also required fewer nausea-relieving medications following surgery. Other studies, however, have failed to find the same positive effects. In fact, one study found that ginger may actually increase vomiting following surgery. For this reason, further studies are needed to determine whether ginger is safe and effective for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting following surgery.
In addition to providing relief from nausea and vomiting, ginger extract has long been used in traditional medical practices to decrease inflammation. In fact, many herbalists today use ginger to help treat health problems associated with inflammation, such as arthritis, bronchitis, and ulcerative colitis. In a recent study of 261 people with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, those who received a ginger extract twice daily experienced less pain and required fewer pain-killing medications compared to those who received placebo. Although there have also been a few other studies of the benefit of ginger for arthritis, one recent trial found that the herb was no more effective than ibuprofen (a medication frequently used to treat OA) or placebo in reducing symptoms of OA.

Although it is much too early to tell if this will benefit those with heart disease, a few preliminary studies suggest that ginger may lower cholesterol and prevent the blood from clotting. Each of these effects may protect the blood vessels from blockage and the damaging effects of blockage such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Again, however, it is too early too know if these initial study results will ultimately prove helpful for people.
The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, contain active substances that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a practitioner knowledgeable in the field of botanical medicine.
The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) gives fresh ginger root a class 1 safety rating, indicating that it is a safe herb with a wide dosage range. Side effects associated with ginger are rare, but if taken in excessive doses the herb may cause mild heartburn. The AHPA gives dried ginger root a class 2b rating, indicating that it should not be used during pregnancy.
Although ginger may interfere with blood clotting, there have been no scientific or case reports of interactions between ginger and blood-thinning medications. However, people taking these medications with ginger should be monitored closely by a healthcare practitioner for risk of bleeding. Ginger may reduce the toxic side effects of cyclophosphamide (a medication used to treat a variety of cancers). More research is needed in this area.
2.1 The arrangement of harvest
            The time for harvesting the rhizomes kind of plants is depend on the purpose of harvesting or the kind of yield which is wanted. If the purpose is for the spices for cooking, and for making sweeten ginger or salted ginger, usually they will harvest them in young age. But if the ginger is being use for the main substance for making ginger oil, ginger’s oleoresin, and some other things similar to those, usually it will be harvest in the ripe stadium.
            The characteristics of plants and ginger kind of rhizome which being harvest in the unripe stadium are:
  • The age is about 3.5 until 4 months after planting.
  • The rhizomes are fat and big.
  • The clumps are green and fresh but already have so many offspring.
  • If the young rhizome being cut in half or slice, it doesn’t have fibroses yet.
The characteristics of plants and ginger kind of rhizome which being harvest in the ripe stadium are:
  • The age is about 8 until 12 months after planting.
  • It will give a sign where it’s going to be wilted and the death of dummy stem, the leaves are becoming yellow and the sign of stop growing.
  • The rhizome’s size is the maximal size, and has so many offspring.
2.2 Selection and Storage
Fresh ginger can be found in the produce section of most grocery stores. Look for smooth skin with a fresh, spicy fragrance. Tubers should be firm and feel heavy. Length is a sign of maturity, and mature rhizomes will be hotter and more fibrous. Avoid those with wrinkled flesh, as this is an indication of aged ginger past its prime.
Fresh, unpeeled root should be wrapped in paper towels, placed in a plastic bag and refrigerated up to three weeks. It can also be tightly wrapped and frozen up to two months. (To use frozen ginger, slice off a piece of unthawed root. Re-wrap unused portion tightly and return to the freezer.) Peeled ginger root can be stored in Madeira or Sherry wine in a glass container in the refrigerator up to three months. However, storing peeled ginger in wine will impart a wine flavour to the end ginger dish, so you may wish to forego this pre-prepared method for use in dishes where a wine flavour is not desirable. And make it particularly suitable for stir-fry dishes, sauces, salad dressings, etc. Dried ginger should be kept in a cool, dark space in an airtight container. Pickled and preserved ginger should be kept in their original containers in the refrigerator. Store crystallized ginger in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to three months.
Or by another method, wrap fresh ginger in plastic and then seal it in a freezer bag and keep it in the freezer for up to a year. Some people find it a bit soggy as it thaws and object to that, but it retains its flavor, and in many cooked dishes the texture change is not noticeable. We can grate it without thawing, which can save us some time. 

2.3 Treatment after harvest
            The treatment after harvest of ginger in this principle divide into two methods, which are the treatment of fresh ginger and the processing ginger. But, every kind or family of ginger has its own specification for the next process.
Draft of the variety kind of ginger industrial products.
Fresh Ginger
Available in in two forms: young and mature. Young roots, also called green or spring ginger, has a pale, thin skin that requires no peeling, is very tender and has a milder flavor. It can be grated, chopped, or julienned for use. Mature ginger root has a tough skin that must be peeled away to get to the fibrous flesh and is usually grated, chopped or ground for use. 
Dried Ginger
This form is usually found in whole fingers and also in slices. It is usually soaked in recipe liquid before using.
Pickled Ginger
Called gari or Beni shoga in Japan, this form is pickled in sweet vinegar and is usually coloured bright red or pink. It is a familiar accompaniment to sushi and is also eaten to refresh the breath. Available at Asian markets, it should be kept refrigerated in its container.
Preserved Ginger
Also available in Asian and specialty markets, this form has been preserved in a sugar-salt mixture. It is generally used as a confection or added to desserts, and it is especially good with melons.
Crystallized Ginger
Also known as candied ginger, this form has been cooked in sugar syrup until tender and then coated with granulated sugar. It is commonly used in desserts and can easily be made at home.
Ground Ginger
Also referred to as powdered, this dried, ground form is quite different than fresh. It is readily available in standard supermarkets, and is used primarily in sweets and curry mixes.

2.4 The process of making Ginger Candy
Scrape and cut into 1/4-inch slices enough fresh non-fibrous young Ginger root to make 1 quart. Put the slices into a large stainless steel pan and cover generously with Water.
Bring water slowly to a boil and simmer covered until tender, about 20 minutes. Add:
1 cup sugar and stir until mixture boils. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand overnight at room temperature.
Re-cook, simmering gently for about 15 minutes after the ginger has again come to a boil. Add:
  • 1 seeded sliced lemon
  • 1 cup light corn syrup
Uncover and simmer 15 minutes longer, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let stand covered overnight. During the third cooking, the ginger must be stirred often to avoid scorching. Bring the syruped ginger to a boil. Stir in:
  • 1 cup sugar
Simmer 30 minutes. Stir in:
  • 1 cup sugar
And bring mixture again to a boil. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand overnight. In the fourth cooking, bring the mixture to a boil once more. When the syrup drops heavily from the side of a spoon and the ginger is translucent, pour the mixture into sterile wide mouthed jars. Seal, using a hot-water bath. You should now have about 5 cups of Canton Ginger.
Should you want Candied Ginger, drain the ginger after the last cooking. Reserve the syrup for flavouring sauces. Dry the ginger slices on a rack over a tray, uncovered, overnight. When well dried, roll the slices in Granulated sugar. Store in tightly covered glass jars. Yield: 5-1/2 pints preserved 

From books:
  • Drs. Cheppy Syukur, Agar Jahe Berproduksi Tinggi, PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta, 2005.
  • Ir. H. Rahmat Rukmana, MBA., M.Sc., Usaha Tani Jahe, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 2000.
  • Prof. H. M. Hembing Wijayakusuma, Penyembuhan dengan Jahe, Edisi 2, Milenia Populer, Jakarta, 2004.
From Internets: